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Music School Tribute to the NHS

Students and staff from Music Lessons Dundee and Music Lessons Angus perform a beautiful rendition of the Rainbow song during lockdown to show appreciation for the NHS.

Watch the video below

During March 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic forced Scotland into lockdown and consequently Music Lessons Angus (MLA) and Music Lessons Dundee (MLD) closed it's physical doors to over 150 music students. Despite the challenges, both music schools immediately launched into the delivery of online music classes and lessons.

Directors Nicole and Eoin, staff and pupils wanted a way to say thank you to the key workers keeping the country running and looking after our most venerable, and what better way to say thank you than with a song. This stunning arrangement by Eoin Tonner, showcases the schools pupils of all ages. All pupils in the video come from a range of different disciples including pianists, violinists, guitarist and singers and came together virtually to sing and sign this beautiful song.

The video was posted on social media and has at the time of writing had over 6.1k views on Facebook. The music school has also been recognised by the NHS with thanks from Dr Tom Fardon and has been included in local news. Read the feature article in the courier here.


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